Return From Italy -2013

I have returned from my AIR in Italy and I have cleaned and set up my studio for the next round of work. I’ve

Mid 2011

It’s June! I spent the first half of the year exhibiting, curating, teaching, traveling and speaking –

Early 2010

So much is happening at once this year, 2010: Blessing Dove casting continues for several trips scheduled in 2010

Blessing Doves

2006 and in process – Blessing Doves is a public intervention project where small palm sized porcelain doves


I continue to make printed soundwaves that are framed for exhibition. The newest one is of Soldier’s Creed

World Order

This is a piece where I am shredding the United States Flag and a military uniform used in the Iraq war. The


I am shredding another canvas for a sculptural painting. At this time I am still unaware of the outcome, but I am